Is the desktop computer on its last legs -- er, desks? That question is being raised this week in light of Intels announcement that it will begin phasing out its desktop motherboard division.
That initial Microsoft Suce tablet ran a variant of Windows 8 software known as Windows RT, with incompatibility drawbacks. Now, the Suce Windows 8 Pro is officially set to launch. is the market and technology leader in Software-as-a-Service. Its award-winning CRM solution helps 82,400 customers worldwide manage and share business information over the Internet. Experience CRM success. Click here for a FREE 30-day trial.
Suce Windows 8 Pro Tablet To Launch Feb. 9
3 Nabbed for Gozi Virus that Hit Banks Hard, Millions Lost
Three men are in custody on charges that they spread a computer virus to more than a million computers, siphoning passwords and online banking data that let hackers steal tens of millions of dollars.
Intel Phasing Out of Desktop Motherboards
Best Tech Companies To Work For
Lookout for Android Can Take a Picture of a Phone Thief
The market for solid state drives, or SSDs, will more than double this year because of lower-cost Ultrabooks, leading to a greater acceptance of the drives in mainstream personal computing, according to a new report.
Fortune just compiled its annual list of the 100 Best Companies To Work For including quite a number of tech companies, with Google, SAS, and Microsoft high on the list.
Get Ready for the Year of the Solid State Drive
For years,Jan 21, 2013 10:18:00 PM. you were warned about the nasty things that could happen to your PCs -- viruses, data loss, online scams. So its not surprising to see software to safeguard smartphones and tablets.
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